Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Best Spyware Removers

Best spyware reviews - So what is the best spyware remover to use? With so many out there what one do you download and trust that it will not do more harm to your computer than good.

First lets talk about the so called free ones. Ever wonder how a company can design and distribute software for free? The fact is that the free spyware removers don't really work. Sure they will find and clean some of the spyware from your computer but none of them do a complete job. They are designed that way to get you to upgrade to the paid version.

Want proof? try a free one. Then download another free one and scan your computer for spyware/ adaware again. It will find more the first one did not. Try a third one, it will discover even more. I guess if you downloaded and used enough free spyware cleaners you might have a clean computer.

Why trust your computer to software that only does half a job? Investing in a good professional version will save you time and money in the long run. You can feel safe that your computer is secure and safe to use. Next time you pay your bills online you don't need to worry if spyware is lurking in your computer collecting you bank login and password.

After talking to several computer shops I learned what the computer techs use on their service calls. It came down to 3 top anti spyware programs. They carry the best programs they can get on in home service calls to save them time and do the job right the first time. Their reputation depends on it.

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